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Other than that, you will need white socks, white pants, a white shirt, and a cape you can make from a white piece of cloth. Make sure that you also put together the logo for the front of the shirt. The entire thing should take about an hour or two, give or take. Or check our our roundup of the best easy last-minute WBD costumes you can make from stuff lying around your house. To make the giant peach, simply blow up a large, orange balloon. Or, if you have time, you could make a papier-mâché peach.

Roald Dahl's characters come in all shapes and sizes, from spiders to giraffes, from Willy Wonka to the Giant Peach. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. And don't forget, these costumes are all perfect for World Book Day too. Make sure to stick as many things in it as you can to give off the impression of dirt, and style the hair in a messy way.
Turn Violet As Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory)
If your kids are tasked with dressing up as their favourite Roald Dahl character, it doesn't have to result in a trip to the fancy dress shop. Of course, we wouldn’t want to encourage chewing gum at school! This eye-catching purple outfit is the perfect reminder of why it’s a rule worth respecting. How about dressing up as the peach from James and the Giant Peach? This great costume is available from and it's also a great World Book Day costume idea.
For added BFG effect, why not cut a trumpet out of cardboard for your child to carry as well. Cut along lengthways to make the bottom look like sharp teeth. Then paint the box green – don't forget to cut out eye holes for your child to look through.
Enter A World Of Pure Imagination As Willy Wonka (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory)
And then add another couple of paint colours - but don't mix them, just let them swirl around. We provide specialist nurses and support for seriously ill children. Help us to establish more Roald Dahl Nurses through a donation today. Whether you have 10 days or 10 minutes, there are lots of options to create a splendiferous costume for the Roald Dahl Story Day Dress up.

This great costume is available from now. We’ll send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. One of the lesser-known Roald Dahl books but great for little ones - The Enormous Crocodile. Take on the brains and wit of Fantastic Mr Fox - one of Roald Dahl's most cunning books.
Collection: Roald Dahl Costumes
It might take a few hours , but the result should be worth it. If you are out of ideas and supplies, but still want to act out your favourite Roald Dhal characters, then you may decide to be Sophie from BDG. All you need is a long, light pink nightgown, a short brown wig, and big glasses . If you cannot find an exact shirt, take a white one and use fabric paint to make the stripes. And of course, you would not be Augustus Gloop if your face would not be smeared in chocolate. After that, you’ll need some hairspray to make her hair look a little unkemt, and obviously, books.

This is a costume I made for my daughter for Roald Dahl day at her school. The writing was done with a mixture of free hand and also using templates that I created by tracing the lettering from Google images. Fantastic Mr Fox is one of our favourite Roald Dahl costume ideas!
If you want to look like Veruca Salt on World Book Day, then creating a costume based on her should be very easy. Blue paint and a wad of cotton wool can make the 'steam' from his medicine creations. Then make your spider's legs using our step-by-step instructions for animal tails, and stitch onto the outfit. This Morning has a great tutorial for creating this huge blueberry costume. Dress your child in some striped pyjamas and add a flat cap if you've got one. Check out our step-by-step guide to an easy Willy Wonka costume.

Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide.
Dust off your old beanie baby collection to make this costume work. Messy hair, a drawn on monobrow and a stripy top and your kids are good to go. See our step-by-step instructions for an easy Fantastic Mr Fox costume.
Grandpa Joe is a character that we all learned to love in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which is why a costume of him should be tried out. You may go for the trench coat over the nightgown, or you may replace the nightgown with plain brown pants and a white shirt. Once you are done with that, all you need to make is the ears. You will just need a wire headband, along with some skin-colored fabric. You may also go for cardboard and paint if you do not have other solutions. Putting everything together should take 15 minutes tops – 30 if you’re making the wire headband yourself.
Roald Dahl still holds the crown for creating some of the most timeless characters for kids to dress up as on World Book Day. To get James’ look from Roald Dahl’s beloved book James and The Giant Peach, don a pair of shorts and a white shirt. Go as the famous Golden Ticket by getting two large pieces of cardboard and covering them with gold paint or paper. Make a tail by using some orange tights and stuffing one leg with socks or cotton wool. Tie in a knot and fasten to a belt for them to wear around their waist.
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